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Detours and delays caused by road projects in London










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发表于 2009-6-1 13:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 Z0 {7 j& B7 A6 o: Q: Z
" k( \" g1 Y! x- n9 G" @Bradley Avenue from Jackson Road to city limits & o& `4 B8 `1 |7 ^& m
3 j; P+ C, i3 _% S1 W; a6 T
King Street from Adelaide Street to Hewitt Street
  N7 I  Q7 |0 W6 I
  N9 x7 c- @  q5 @& {0 t% M$ uKing Street from Hewitt Street to Rectory Street
8 @# P# S5 W: b5 P* h. k# p3 @
4 B' C: W! J# L! d6 G' @8 OMamelon Street from Hamilton Road to Nelson Street 0 d1 D% y6 X! y

9 f: ^  K) b, A: Y$ ~) J% \2 L! [: _Mornington Avenue from Quebec Street to Oxford Street : }/ ], T6 E$ i( y! K+ d

# ~! }8 L* V' T: x- _1 BRidout Street South from Windsor Avenue to Belhaven Road : L1 M; U, y# A
- w) a0 U; `+ X. p1 P; s
% B" S+ m( D' n
EXPECT DELAYS , o( U! y$ W! [/ o. L9 A

  g, b& T8 N/ S7 _Albany Street from Ashland Avenue to McCormick Boulevard , u0 u! g& g0 ~! _4 ]( g  w

' j5 g9 w3 J1 \' u3 a2 ?- n  L) @5 _Ashland Avenue from Dundas Street to north of Albany Street
) Q3 F9 j4 }/ ^7 G' L+ @, h! B/ R9 s# d; `
Bradley Avenue from Pond Mills Road to Arran Place " p% `; L% ?" j; }: l
( o" B8 Q3 v& t, q; u- y
Bridlington Road from Adswood Place to Bexhill Drive 5 t# e! x# B; e: i
$ w. r7 }( \  D) p+ n% G
Carlton Avenue from William Street to west end end
! v2 x: G2 a7 `6 a% M1 f9 c: v
5 j* W  n8 @: s1 MClarke Road from Avalon Street to Oxford Street east & f9 K8 k, Z3 A% c8 u1 E
; H4 b9 A4 f/ W  ^- @  P
Deveron Crescent from Oregon Road to Almond Road south - g5 o7 `9 o% V
& f6 W# @4 g1 i3 B- i# \
Dieppe Street from Gladstone Avenue to King Edward Avenue
6 U: X5 f. j6 F) x" m& E4 \7 g: X6 u/ Y5 n4 [% p) U
Everglade Crescent from Cypress Avenue to Woodhaven Road
6 C' z" l! r. D9 J3 u9 `
$ r0 Y- D# g3 m6 QFinsbury Crescent from Friars Way to Friars Way
( r: G% t- H- p! e7 Z3 Q3 E% H* N9 n& [$ a4 e* I
Gleeson Street from Ashland Avenue to east limit 6 T, {1 ]" X0 E" a6 i6 E) Z  s

  c% ~) X6 h6 M& K- k6 THansuld Street from First Street to Second Street
; ^  Q* |# O. c. R* d, Y/ H' H' J" a% S
Highbury Avenue north from Calvin Street to CN Rail tracks . O. g( ], O$ W% s

  N5 ~- w0 d; L/ ~( f, M5 ZHighbury Avenue south from Scotland Drive to Westminster Drive 1 R; M& X1 q$ \8 _, m1 q& J" H

7 i5 K# q( D- f' HJalna Boulevard northeast leg from Ernest Avenue to Bradley Avenue # X) e& n0 c* h

+ |4 o3 h5 B# |& v/ ]- RKeyhill Place from Keyhill Road to end 1 h, h5 r  C' V$ B1 X' a& S

5 T# [- ]3 K- `' h/ `" d3 e' J' W7 u; yKeyhill Road from Homestead Crescent to Homestead Crescent 1 Y) {, W1 ]/ P5 h) `4 q

5 n' k; `$ }( ^1 H& f" o1 uKing Edward Avenue from Veronica Avenue to Dieppe Street / Q9 z8 H4 A8 o; P: Y

8 r: v: h3 Z2 C) h& B7 rLysanda Avenue from Deveron Crescent to Worthington Avenue 8 Y% R8 I  o# q/ Q1 s; d- Z- e
' A0 E. `' L3 y) y: K8 I
Mahogany Road from Woodborough Street to Cypress Avenue
7 Q! A" r% c+ y  h$ Y8 ~- ^& t* M$ v. o4 y/ d- l
Malborough Avenue from Veronica Avenue to Thompson Road
4 R+ k6 ]: _, W, N, z/ H) C
, _3 P3 g+ t# H- TMcCormick Boulevard from Dundas Street to Princess Avenue
6 x1 Y9 o/ R7 @/ K! p" G+ c+ p, D5 i
Osborne Street from Ashland Avenue to east limit : V6 S" N  g- [; x2 Y* ]( u
+ Q- q* I+ ]2 K, X
Oxford Street west from Lane Street to Richmond Street 4 B3 q' I7 S& K+ G5 A9 `' _* s5 G2 X

/ `! {* a" y0 P  d9 M4 `9 fOxford Street west from Platt\'s Lane to Lane Street
/ |3 h0 d! t+ o8 v) k2 ]& e' {, {7 {  D! t# C
Oxford Street west, Kilworth bridge over the Thames River
! k, z8 S& d* u; O# I5 ]6 z$ F" X" a9 I+ W' F: X
Pall Mall Street from Colborne Street to William Street
" Q! ]2 E5 o! E6 G( T8 L
' X! |- M3 r6 ]% x2 Y* FPrincess Avenue from Elizabeth Street to English Street 4 o3 O, O2 @3 u: {6 z

9 M+ E0 I% K" I2 M! B/ V! @. f1 s& VPrincess Avenue from McCormick Boulevard to east limit + j4 g- H1 a7 F5 Y' H* ~
; o& s8 z2 Q+ F& A: S4 }
Princess Avenue from Quebec Street to Burbrook Place
( ~$ f5 |+ l# G* G. ]0 W' x& _5 z4 a: p& q
Southdale Road east from Pond Mills Road to Millbank Drive + E) e( ]0 q& n0 v  z2 Y# R
/ {- H* C* _: ]* O5 ^
Southdale Road east from Wharncliffe Road to Ernest Avenue 1 X; G* U1 ^( b1 g
& a0 s; v) M$ \' S) U1 w
Sparton Street from Ashland Avenue to east limit 1 t- R) U/ Q2 ?- g$ b- V
. H7 L2 }' c' h6 n% E/ G1 g
Veronica Street from west limit to King Edward Avenue . a* u* Y6 M" |3 w8 i3 I7 S' G1 B$ k

7 p% ^; b2 R; O: p9 ]Wellington Road from Grand Avenue to Bond Street
8 U# j9 {7 _$ h8 I2 n! x
% G% k8 l- R1 R3 W9 hWestlake Street from Chesterfield Street to King Edward Avenue ' T: t7 N* ~7 f+ ]: w/ T& r% e! A( ]
3 K9 L0 W5 s( t- V, J
William Street from Oxford Street to St. James Street
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