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Winter survival guide









举人 五级

Rank: 1

24 点
600 金币
发表于 2008-11-22 13:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
For Canadians, coping with winter cold and snow is a fact of life. Here are some tips to help you stay safe during the country\'s chilliest months.
# |$ l$ t% j* l1 G- W
6 b9 x0 W' N9 H6 y# I) U7 eSnow shovelling
% n. C5 Z) R9 D/ G  LSome tips to reduce the strain when shovelling snow: 7 g# `& y. F+ A0 E3 a
1 ?2 c' i" A/ g5 I% t
Choose a shovel that\'s right for you. A shovel with an appropriate length handle is correct when you can slightly bend your knees, flex your back 10 degrees or less, and hold the shovel comfortably in your hands at the start of the shovel stroke.
  x( m5 r: f/ CWhen you grip the shovel, make sure your hands are at least 30 cm apart. This will increase your leverage and reduce strain on your body. 8 v" s5 u3 Q8 @
Wait until the afternoon to shovel. Many disc problems occur in the morning when there is increased fluid pressure in the disc because the body has been at rest all night. 7 \. x4 W2 V- p7 Q- H4 o9 C, z
Lift the snow properly. Squat with your legs apart, knees bent and back straight. Lift with your legs. Do not bend at the waist.
6 v3 K1 s: B. |Step in the direction in which you are throwing the snow. This will help prevent the low back from twisting.
3 H% ]5 `( t5 V7 dTackle heavy snow in two stages. Begin by skimming off the snow from the top and then remove the bottom layer.
; e( P3 t4 y! A4 pTake frequent breaks when shovelling. Stand up straight and walk around periodically to extend the lower back.
8 o+ ?# g/ c, s/ u$ EDress warmly and make sure that your lower back is well covered. If your spine is exposed to the cold, your muscles can seize up and result in back pain.
/ S# F# Q9 P3 U3 XIf you have a health problem or are not in good shape, do not even consider snow shovelling. 8 [7 ~& K0 `% `& ~8 m: D# P- N# t( u
Source: Canadian Physiotherapy Association, n: U- w5 E7 L1 u5 ]/ ^

, N- z2 t; D1 D/ F) b; c
' m" U* F, d: P4 Y4 i7 u* r" N; h, M! v. Y1 C

4 b! W& P' a3 M/ X: `$ Q--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 H; K( L# ^* }! k8 @) M+ O
+ X8 W% l0 N3 e, s# m0 c$ pWinter driving6 c  P# I% R( f' y
Some tips to help you get to your winter driving destination safely:+ D' {+ F0 \5 j1 J& {& ^
' K) t2 u+ C* N! H. n
Get your vehicle a winter check-up. Make sure your battery, belts, hoses, radiator, oil, lights, brakes exhaust system, heater, wipers and ignition system are in good working order. . Q; s- |# Q9 \
Survival kit0 J& D" d- l$ o. ]9 ]) b/ d
# I0 l6 e& u2 e
Having the necessary supplies can be a lifesaver should you become stranded in a storm. 6 P4 s$ B- D% A: Q9 V

) V; t4 ?1 L: j$ R. NIce scraper/snow brush : X3 s0 |/ z; t5 V8 a, X
/ x: X- p3 j7 r5 [$ vSand or other traction aid / ?; C4 |) N1 K4 T
Tow rope or chain
# e# `- V! k$ I5 Q, @* |5 hBooster cables
/ B# o( b/ }) d: n4 a: bRoad flares or warning lights
( s: B: S; N2 N& n9 M1 vGas line anti-freeze
$ n- `9 x& L+ s5 l4 ?4 [* |# S) eFlashlight and batteries ' @0 _  H! m. D3 O0 C+ z6 [: V
First aid kit
$ e" [3 k4 q6 K3 n* lFire extinguisher 9 J) a7 W' k( C9 C* F. |1 V
Small tool kit
+ J! J; B" m' D( a# _Extra clothing and footware 5 D+ T3 d  d' C# [; S/ j) C
Blanket & m( p8 u( ~  }7 v) T7 ]2 Z
Candle and a small tin can
" S8 `% g. ]7 kMatches
. M2 d: o# _6 v2 ^" rNon-perishable energy foods like chocolate or granola bars, juice, instant coffee, tea, soup and bottled water
) ?# K' w+ v( w# o* Z9 f6 gRemember, if stranded in blizzard-like conditions overnight, make sure one person stays awake and keep your blood circulating by moving our feet, hands and arms.1 g: d; I6 D% J, ~; y+ ?
Most importantly, make sure your tires have good tread and are appropriate for the weather in your neck of the woods. “All-season” tires may be good for some regions but snowbelt areas may want to consider winter tires. , O" u- R3 t( A; U0 D
Be sure your washer fluid is topped up and good for -40°C temperatures.
$ l4 G2 J$ y, V8 d4 ?Check weather and travel conditions before setting out and allow extra travel time if road conditions are bad. 0 u6 C! S5 Q9 \3 [
Clear snow and ice from all windows, lights, mirrors and the roof and wait for the fog to clear from the inside windows to ensure good visibility. Turn your lights on if visibility is poor. , e4 I. }' W8 T, Y/ O
Leave at least a four-second stopping distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you.
; m! L3 a" s8 M: }/ }' k) h9 uPractise proper braking. Don\'t pump. Press down hard until the wheels start to lock, then release just enough pressure to let them roll again. Gradually increase the pressure and repeat until you come to a full stop.
' o; u+ n0 k9 A2 FIf stranded overnight, make sure one person stays awake and keep blood flowing by regularly moving your feet, hands and arms. Stay with your vehicle for warmth and safety and call for help. If you choose to dig yourself out, don\'t over exert, especially if you\'ve got a medical condition.
4 F$ k, U+ e5 e4 YSource: Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Canada Safety Council
0 C- g' u6 S5 B0 j1 Q
: E* k; r$ B+ d; g1 L9 r' ]  [/ f8 k9 Y/ c5 d1 L

% e! W1 k; _1 d* ]; Z9 B2 x1 D; L! N








举人 五级

Rank: 1

25 点
1284 金币
发表于 2008-11-23 01:57 | 显示全部楼层


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