James Lee Sales & Lease Professional Dale Downie Nissan 地址: 1111 Oxford ST
E.ON N5Y 3L7 手机(226)980-6001 预约预约:jameslee.setmore.com
访问我的页面:https://www.facebook.com/jlee.dealer 您好! 我是一名在伦敦安大略省韩国汽车销售员。 我在Dale Downie Nissan卖车。 Dale Downie Nissan是南安大略省的第一大批量经销商。 我们有300多辆全新车辆和100多辆二手车。 我们不仅销售日产,还使用丰田,本田,通用,福特,现代,起亚等。 日产加拿大提供0%的财务高达84个月(精选车型和装饰水平)。 每个全新的车型也有最好的租赁率。
我的名字詹姆斯 李(James Lee) Hello! I am a Korean car salesman in London, Ontario. I work at
Dale Downie Nissan.Dale Downie Nissan is the top volume dealer in South
Ontario.We have more than 300 new vehicles and more than 100 used vehicles at
huge back lot. We sell brand new Nissan used cars, we sell also many Japanese,
Korea as well as Domestic Products, such as Toyota, Honda, GM, Ford, Hyundai
and Kia. I welcome for test drive. Please contact me now. (For book an appointment, please click below!) |
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